CJT 229B: Law Enforcement Training Part II

This is the conclusion of an approved Police Academy course for the State of Michigan. Students develop the skills and abilities required to become a law enforcement officer. The Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) Policy and Procedure Manual, WCC Police Academy Daily Rules and Regulations, and the WCC Student Handbook will govern student conduct. The Police Academy is structured as an adult learning experience and will require significant self-discipline on the part of the student. Students will be held to this same code of ethics as sworn law enforcement officers. Students must complete both CJT 229A and CJT 229B to be eligible to sit for the MCOLES exam. This course contains material previously taught in CJT 221B. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; minimum 41 credits with 2.0 GPA, pass MCOLES tests and CJT 229A; consent required

Level I Prereq: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; minimum 41 credits with 2.0 GPA, pass MCOLES tests and CJT 229A; consent required

Check the schedule

Description Hours
Credits 7
Lecture Hours 110
Clinical Hours 0
Lab Hours 110
Other Hours 0
Total Hours 220

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