CON 240: Construction - Advanced Finishes and Techniques

In this course, students will develop advanced skills through hands-on training in interior finish carpentry, focusing on the precise installation of trim systems. Stair and handrail construction, crown molding, cabinetry detailing, and built-up trim applications are explored, with an emphasis on both safety and craftsmanship. Students will gain practical experience using professional-grade tools and techniques to achieve high-quality interior finishes, preparing students for specialized roles in residential and commercial carpentry. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; CON 205 minimum grade "C"; Math Level 3 or MTH 157 or higher, minimum grade "C"

Level I Prereq: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; CON 205 minimum grade "C"; Math Level 3 or MTH 157 or higher, minimum grade "C"

Check the schedule

Description Hours
Credits 3
Lecture Hours 15
Clinical Hours 0
Lab Hours 60
Other Hours 0
Total Hours 75

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