HST 241: History of Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the Modern World

In this course, students will critique the concept of gender by examining the historical experiences of women and men in the past. Beginning with the era of the Reformation, this course examines the gendered experiences of men and women as religion, the state, and society have changed. The role of social and political revolutions, and the process of industrialization, will be examined, as well as how these movements have shaped men and women's places in these societies. The twentieth century, and how the wars and political/social movements like fascism, totalitarianism, and democracy influenced ideas of gender will also be explored. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6

Level I Prereq: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6

Class offerings by semester

  Winter Summer Fall

Even Years
(2022, 2024, 2026)


Odd Years
(2023, 2025, 2027)


offered in the daytimeDay Class (before 5 p.m.) offered at nighttimeEvening Class (after 5 p.m.) offered online Online Class
Revised: 2/15/23

Please refer to the course schedule to see the specific time and platform for which the course is offered.

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Check the schedule

Description Hours
Credits 3
Lecture Hours 45
Clinical Hours 0
Lab Hours 0
Other Hours 0
Total Hours 45

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