MTH 125: Everyday College Math

online available

In this course, students will further their knowledge of mathematical concepts and applications they might encounter in everyday adult life. Students will explore the following topics: investing and borrowing, home loans, student loans, sets, Venn diagrams, functions, probability and statistics. The following outcomes will be addressed: interpretation of mathematical information; representation of mathematical information; calculation and communication of results; application of information, which includes making judgments and conclusions based on quantitative analysis of data; and communication of information, which includes expressing quantitative evidence in support of an argument. Topics including rounding, percentages, decimals, place value, exponents and roots, order of operations, solving equations, evaluating simple formulas, basic inequalities, divisors and reducing fractions, and the coordinate plane will be added to the course. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; Academic Math Level 3

Level I Prereq: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; Academic Math Level 3

Class offerings by semester

  Winter Summer Fall

Even Years
(2022, 2024, 2026)

offered in the daytimeoffered at nighttimeoffered online offered in the daytimeoffered at nighttimeoffered online offered in the daytimeoffered at nighttimeoffered online

Odd Years
(2023, 2025, 2027)

offered in the daytimeoffered at nighttimeoffered online offered in the daytimeoffered at nighttimeoffered online offered in the daytimeoffered at nighttimeoffered online

offered in the daytimeDay Class (before 5 p.m.) offered at nighttimeEvening Class (after 5 p.m.) offered online Online Class
Revised: 3/30/23

Please refer to the course schedule to see the specific time and platform for which the course is offered.

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Check the schedule

Description Hours
Credits 4
Lecture Hours 60
Clinical Hours 0
Lab Hours 0
Other Hours 0
Total Hours 60

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