PHO 105: Digital Photography Abroad

In this course, students will explore digital capture abroad. Through a series of on-location shoots, lectures, critiques and digital imaging demonstrations, students will create portfolios of photographs revealing their impressions of the chosen location and culture. Digital workflow issues will be addressed throughout the course. An online portfolio will be used as an integral part of the course to exhibit current work. Basic photographic and computer skills are required. Digital cameras will be available for use during the course or students may use their own. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; PHO 111 minimum grade "B-" or equivlent experience verified with portfolio review

Level I Prereq: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; PHO 111 minimum grade "B-" or equivlent experience verified with portfolio review

Check the schedule

Description Hours
Credits 3
Lecture Hours 45
Clinical Hours 0
Lab Hours 15
Other Hours 0
Total Hours 60

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