UAT 257: Hydronic Heating and Cooling (UA 6006)

In this course, students will identify the principles of hydronics heating and cooling. Topics include time and control theory, equipment and controlling components, design, installation methods and operation. Students will demonstrate maintenance and troubleshooting techniques with hands-on activities. In addition, students will locate and navigate instructional resources, methods and materials for teaching an effective hydronics course at their local Training Center. The title of this course was previously Hydronic Heating and Cooling. Limited to United Association program participants. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6

Level I Prereq: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6

Check the schedule

Description Hours
Credits 1.5
Lecture Hours 22.5
Clinical Hours 0
Lab Hours 1.5
Other Hours 0
Total Hours 24

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