WEB 230: Advanced JavaScript

In this advanced Web programming course, accessible, unobtrusive and standards-compliant coding techniques are stressed. Considerable emphasis is placed on JavaScript fundamentals, Node.js, AJAX, and MVC architecture. Students must be proficient in HTML5 and CSS and and should have either successfully completed a basic programming class or have at least one year of prior programming experience. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6 Level II Prerequisite: Need to have working knowledge of HTML5 and CSS and should have prior programming experience.

Level I Prereq: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6

Level II Prereq: Need to have working knowledge of HTML5 and CSS and should have prior programming experience.

Class offerings by semester

  Winter Summer Fall

Even Years
(2022, 2024, 2026)

offered at nighttime    

Odd Years
(2023, 2025, 2027)

offered at nighttime    

offered in the daytimeDay Class (before 5 p.m.) offered at nighttimeEvening Class (after 5 p.m.) offered online Online Class
Revised: 3/30/23

Please refer to the course schedule to see the specific time and platform for which the course is offered.

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Check the schedule

Description Hours
Credits 4
Lecture Hours 60
Clinical Hours 0
Lab Hours 0
Other Hours 0
Total Hours 60

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