Computer Systems Technology (CTCSTC)


This certificate program prepares students for employment as a microcomputer service technician and also lays a foundation in preparation for passing the Computer Technology Industry Association’s (CompTIA A+ and Network + Certification Exams.  The objectives of the program go well beyond the requirements of the exams.  The student will learn:

  • Basic Hardware Concepts for both Workstations and Server with hands-on troubleshooting skills in solving hardware problems.
  • Overview and Installation of Client and Server Operating Systems.
  • Networking Concepts with emphasis on the OSI Model, Point to Point (Ethernet) and Cross-Network (TCP/IP) Protocols, Peer to Peer and Client/Server networking, wireless networks, networking topologies, network media, and printing.
  • Command Line Basics and Batch File Techniques.
  • Data Forensics including recovering data at the core level of disk drives, etc.
  • Customer Relations

The program is structured for students who:

  • Desire a foundation in the concepts leading to the A+ and Network + certifications.
  • Want employment as a microcomputer service technician
  • Are already certified and want to enhance their knowledge with the latest in computer hardware, associated operating systems, and networking.
  • Want the foundation for WCC’s advanced Certificates in Computer Networking, Network Operation Systems, Linux, or Data Recovery.


  • Earn this advanced certificate in two semesters.
  • Work towards the Associate Degree (APCSN) of which this certificate is part of.
  • Use the APCSN Associate Degree for a direct transfer to Eastern Michigan’s Technology Management Program.

Admission Requirements

These are entry level courses – basic computer knowledge however is highly desired.

This is a high demand, high skill and high wage program as defined by the Michigan Community College Network.

Career Outlook in Michigan

56,709Median Earnings

1824Annual Job Openings

4% 10 Year Employment Growth

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63,645Median Earnings

259Annual Job Openings

11% 10 Year Employment Growth

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88,617Median Earnings

534Annual Job Openings

5% 10 Year Employment Growth

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2024-2025 Academic Requirements

This program prepares students for employment as a microcomputer service technician. While preparing students to pass the Computer Technology Industry Association's (CompTIA) A+ Certification Examination, the program goes well beyond the requirements of the exam. The student will develop hands-on troubleshooting skills in solving hardware problems, working with operating systems, and relating to customers. This program also provides the foundation for Washtenaw Community College's two advanced certificates in computer networking.

This is a high demand, high skill and high wage program, as defined by the Michigan Community College Network.

Eastern Michigan University, BS degree.

Copies can be obtained from the Counseling Office, a program advisor, or from the Curriculum and Assessment Office Web site: .

Business/Computer Technologies
Computer Instruction Dept
James Lewis
Michael Kidd
Sandro Tuccinardi
Raechel Espinoza
Major/Area Requirements
Class Title Minimum Credits
CST 120   Command Line Fundamentals 3
CST 160   Computer Systems Technology I 4
CST 165   Computer Systems Technology II 4
CST 185   Local and Mobile Networking Essentials 4
BMG 205 or   Creating the Customer Experience
CST 270   Computer Forensics 3-4
Total 18

Total Credits Required