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With more than 135 programs, 49 of which are completely online, you'll be able to
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Alphabetical list of Academic Programs
- Accounting (APACCT) - also available online
- Accounting for Business (CTACCB) - also available online
- Accounting/Concordia University Accounting BS (APACCT15B1)
- Accounting/EMU BBA with any Business Major (APACCT01B8)
- Accounting/Northwood University Accounting BBA (APACCT04B4)
- Accounting/Walsh College Accounting BAC, Business BBA, & Info Technology BS (APACCT03A1)
- Accounting/Wayne State Multiple Business Degrees BS (APACCT11B2)
- Addiction Studies (CTASTC) - also available online
- Administrative Assistant I (CTADA) - also available online
- Administrative Assistant II (CVAAST) - also available online
- Adv. Manufacturing (CNC)/WSU Elect, Electromec or Mech Eng Tech BS (APMTOP11M5)
- Advanced Automotive Services Technician (CVASV2)
- Advanced Manufacturing (CNC)-Machine Tool Setup, Operation and Programming (APMTOP)
- Advanced Manufacturing (CNC)-Operation Technician (CTMTOT)
- Advanced Manufacturing (CNC)-Programming and Setup Technician (CTMTPS)
- Advanced Manufacturing(CNC) Machine Tool Setup, Oper & Prog/EMU Tech Mgt BS (APMTOP01M3)
- Animation for Film and Broadcast (CVANIF)
- Animation for Game Art (CVANIG)
- Apprentice Completion (CTAC) - also available online
- Arts Management (CTARTM)
- Audio Production and Engineering (CTMPEA)
- Automation Specialist (CVAMSP)
- Automotive Cybersecurity (CTACYB)
- Automotive Services Technician (CTASVT)
- Automotive Test Technician (APATT)
- Automotive Test Technician/EMU Technology Management BS (APATT01O6)
- Automotive Test Technician/WSU Elect, Electromech or Mech Engineer Tech BS (APATT11A2)
- Broadcast Media Arts (CTBCAC)
- Broadcast Media Arts (AABCM)
- Broadcast Media Arts/EMU Communication BA (AABCM01F3)
- Broadcast Media Arts/EMU Communication or Comm, Media & Theatre Arts BA (AABCM01F2)
- Business Administration - Transfer (AABATR) - also available online
- Business Administration-Transfer/Central State University Business Admin BS (AABATR17B1)
- Business Administration-Transfer/EMU Business Administration BBA (AABATR01B7)
- Business Administration-Transfer/Northwood University Management BBA (AABATR04B2)
- Business Administration-Transfer/Northwood University Mgmt Info Systems BBA (AABATR04B3)
- Business Administration-Transfer/Oakland Univ Business Administration BS (AABATR14B1)
- Business Administration-Transfer/UM-Flint Business Administration BBA (AABATR05B1)
- Business Administration-Transfer/Wayne State Multiple Business Degrees BS (AABATR11B1)
- Business Enterprise (APBUSD) - also available online
- Business Enterprise Basics (CTBUSB) - also available online
- Business Enterprise Essentials (CVBUSE) - also available online
- Business Office Admin-Law Option/EMU Paralegal Studies BS (APBOAD01B2)
- Business Office Admin-Medical Admin Option/EMU Health Administration BS (APBOAD01B3)
- Business Office Administration (APBOAD) - also available online
- Business Office Administration/EMU Technology Management BS (APBOAD01BE)
- C++ Programming (CVCPGM) - also available online
- Cardiac Telemetry Technician (CCCTT)
- Child Development (CTCDA)
- Child Development (APCD)
- Child Development/EMU Children and Families BS (APCD01D3)
- Child Development/UM Dearborn Children and Families BA (APCD16D1)
- Computed Tomography (CT) (CPCTOM)
- Computer Networking Academy (CVCNAC) - also available online
- Computer Networking Operating Systems (CVCNOR)
- Computer Science: Program in Java/EMU Computer Science - Applied BS (ASCSPJ01C4)
- Computer Science: Programming in Java (ASCSPJ)
- Computer Science: Programming in Java/EMU Computer Information Systems BBA (ASCSPJ01CA)
- Computer Science: Programming in Java/EMU Computer Science - Curriculum BS (ASCSPJ01C9)
- Computer Science: Programming in Java/EMU Computer Science BA (ASCSPJ01C8)
- Computer Software Applications (CTCSSC) - also available online
- Computer Systems & Networking/EMU Technology Management BS (APCSN01C6)
- Computer Systems Technology (CTCSTC)
- Construction Management (AACMG)
- Construction Management/EMU Construction Management BS (AACMG01S1)
- Construction Supervision (CTCNS) - also available online
- Construction Supervision (APCNSP) - also available online
- Construction Supervision (ASCNSV) - also available online
- Construction Supervision/EMU Technology Management BS (ASCNSV01S4)
- Construction Supervision/Rowan University Construction Management BA (ASCNSV13S1)
- Construction Supervision/Rowan University Construction Management BA (APCNSP13S2)
- Construction Technology (APCONT)
- Core Business Skills (CTBCS) - also available online
- Criminal Justice (AACJ) - also available online
- Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement (APCJLE)
- Criminal Justice/Central State University Criminal Justice BS (AACJ17J1)
- Criminal Justice/EMU Criminology and Criminal Justice BS (AACJ01C1)
- Criminal Justice/EMU Public Safety Administration BS (AACJ01C2)
- Criminal Justice/EMU Technology Management BS (AACJ01C3)
- Criminal Justice/Madonna Criminal Justice BS (AACJ10C1)
- Cultural Resource Management (CTCURM)
- Custom Auto Body Fabrication and Chassis Design (CVABFC)
- Cybersecurity (APCSCY)
- Cybersecurity Operations (CVCSCO)
- Cybersecurity/EMU Cybersecurity BS (APCSCY01I2)
- Dental Assisting (CFDAC)
- Digital Business Marketing and Sales (CTBSMS) - also available online
- Digital Media Arts (APDMA) - also available online
- Digital Media Arts/EMU Communication BA (APDMA01GA)
- Digital Media Arts/EMU Communication Technology (Graphic Applications) BS (APDMA01G8)
- Digital Media Arts/EMU Technology Management BS (APDMA01G9)
- Digital Video Production (CTDVPC)
- Digital Video Production (AADVP)
- Digital Video Production/EMU Technology Management BS (AADVP01G2)
- Early Child Ed AA/EMU Children and Families BS (AAECED01D4)
- Early Childhood Education (AAECED)
- Early Childhood Education/Oakland Univ Early Childhood Education BS (AAECED14D1)
- Early Childhood Education/UM Dearborn Children and Families BA (AAECED16D2)
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Safety & Fundamentals (CTEVSF)
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Service Techician (CTEVST)
- Elementary Ed Transfer/CMU Standard Cert Early Childhood & Elem Ed PK-6 (APELEE18D1)
- Elementary Education Transfer (APELEE)
- Elementary Education Transfer/Oakland Univ Elementary Education BS (APELEE14D2)
- Elementary Education Transfer/UM Dearborn Elementary Ed Birth-K and PK-3 BA (APELEE16D4)
- Elementary Education Transfer/UM Dearborn Elementary Ed PK-3 and 3-6 BA (APELEE16D3)
- Engineering and Design Technology (CTEDT)
- English as a Second Language (CTESL1)
- Entrepreneurship Essentials (CTENTE) - also available online
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CTENTI) - also available online
- Environmental Science (ASENVS)
- Esports Management (CTMNGE)
- Exercise Science (ASESCI)
- Exercise Science/EMU Exercise Science BS (ASESCI01X1)
- General Studies (AGGSD) - also available online
- General Studies in Math & Nat. Science Non-Occup/EMU Technology Managemt BS (ASGSMS01Z2)
- General Studies in Math and Natural Sciences (ASGSMS) - also available online
- Global Studies (AAGS)
- Graphic Design (CFGDTC)
- Graphic Design (APGRD)
- Graphic Design/EMU Bachelor of Fine Arts-Graphic Design Conc BFA (APGRD01G1)
- Graphic Design/EMU Communication Technology (Graphic Applications) BS (APGRD01G3)
- Graphic Design/Wayne State University Graphic Design Concentration BFA (APGRD11G1)
- HR Essentials (CTHRE) - also available online
- HR Skills and Operations (CTHRSO) - also available online
- Health Administration (ASHA)
- Health Administration/EMU Health Administration BS (ASHA01N3)
- Health Care Foundations (CTHCF) - also available online
- Health Program Preparation (ASHPP)
- Health Program Preparation/EMU Dietetics Combined (BS + MS) (ASHPP01N5)
- Health Program Preparation/EMU Exercise Science BS (ASHPP01N4)
- Heating, Ventilation, AC & Refrig/WSU Elect, Electromec or Mech Eng Tech BS (APHVCR11W2)
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Condition & Refrig/EMU Technology Management BS (APHVCR01S3)
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (APHVCR)
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration - Commercial Trade (CVHVCT)
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration - Residential (CTHVRR)
- Human Services (AAHUST)
- Human Services/EMU Bachelor of Social Work BSW (AAHUST01H1)
- Human Services/Madonna Social Work BSW (AAHUST10H3)
- Human Services/Wayne State University Social Work BSW (AAHUST11H1)
- Industrial Electronics Technology (CFIET)
- Industrial Training (APITRN) - also available online
- Industrial Training (ASINDT) - also available online
- Information Systems: Program in C++/EMU Computer Information Systems BBA (ASISPC01I1)
- Information Systems: Programming in C++ (ASISPC)
- Introduction to Elementary Education (CTELED)
- Ironworkers Pre-Apprenticeship (CTPAIW)
- Liberal Arts Transfer (AALAT) - also available online
- Liberal Arts Transfer/Central State University Humanities BA (AALAT17H1)
- Liberal Arts Transfer/EMU Arts and Entertainment Management BA (AALAT01Z6)
- Liberal Arts Transfer/EMU Communication Major BS (AALAT01O2)
- Liberal Arts Transfer/EMU Communication, Media and Theatre Major BS (AALAT01O4)
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (CPMRIP)
- Mammography (CPMAM)
- Management (CTMNGC) - also available online
- Management (APMNGD) - also available online
- Management - Sports & Entertainment Concentration/EMU Sports Management BS (APMNGD01BD)
- Management/EMU Business Administration BBA (APMNGD01B5)
- Management/EMU Technology Management BS (APMNGD01BA)
- Marketing (APMKTD)
- Marketing Essentials (CVMKTE)
- Math and Science (ASMSAS) - also available online
- Mechatronics - Robotics and Automated Systems (APMRAS)
- Mechatronics-Robotic & Automat Sys/WSU Elect, Electromec or MechEng Tech BS (APMRAS11M4)
- Mechatronics-Robotics and Automated Systems/EMU Technology Management BS (APMRAS01M2)
- Medical Assisting (CTMA2)
- Medical Billing and Coding (CTMBC)
- Nursing Assistant Skills Training (CCNAST)
- Nursing, Licensed Practical Nurse to Registered Nurse (APNURL)
- Nursing, Registered (APNURS)
- Nursing, Registered/EMU BSN Completion (APNURS01N1)
- Nursing, Registered/EMU Technology Management BS (APNURS01N2)
- Nursing, Registered/UM (Flint) Nursing BSN Completion (APNURS05N1)
- Nursing,Registered/Oakland Univ BSN Completion (APNURS14N1)
- Paralegal Studies/Pre-Law (AAPSPL)
- Paralegal Studies/Pre-Law/EMU Paralegal BS (AAPSPL01J1)
- Photographic Technology (APPHOT)
- Photographic Technology/EMU Communication Technology (Graphic Apps) BS (APPHOT01G7)
- Photographic Technology/EMU Photography - New Media Concentration BFA (APPHOT01G6)
- Photography: Digital Imaging (CTPHOD)
- Photography: Portrait Imaging (CTPHOP)
- Photography: Traditional Imaging (CTPHOR)
- Physical Therapist Assistant (APPTA)
- Physical Therapist Assistant/EMU Exercise Science BS (APPTA01T2)
- Physical Therapist Assistant/EMU Health Administration BS (APPTA01T1)
- Police Academy (CTPA)
- Powertrain Development Tech/WSU Elect, Electomech or Mech Engineer Tech BS (APPDT11A3)
- Powertrain Development Technician (APPDT)
- Powertrain Development Technician/EMU Technology Management BS (APPDT01O7)
- Pre-Engineering Sci Transfer Non-Occup/EMU Electric & Comp Engineering BS (ASPET01Z5)
- Pre-Engineering Science Transfer (ASPET)
- Pre-Engineering Science Transfer/EMU Mechanical Engineering BS (ASPET01E1)
- Principles of Cybersecurity (CVCSCP) - also available online
- Program in Java (CVJVPR) - also available online
- Radiography (APRAD)
- Radiography/EMU Health Administration BS (APRAD01R1)
- Radiography/EMU Technology Management BS (APRAD01R2)
- Retail Management (APRM) - also available online
- Retail Management/EMU BBA with any Business Major (APRM01B9)
- Retail Management/EMU Fashion Marketing Innovation BS (APRM01BB)
- Retail and Business Operations (CTRBUS) - also available online
- Robotics Technician (CTROBT)
- Secondary Education (AASECO) - also available online
- Social Media Management (CTSMM)
- Sports and Entertainment Management (CTSEM) - also available online
- Sterile Processing (CTSPTF)
- Supply Chain Essentials (CCSCE) - also available online
- Supply Chain Management (APSCM) - also available online
- Supply Chain Management/EMU Business Administration BBA (APSCM01B4)
- Supply Chain Management/EMU Fashion Marketing Innovation BS (APSCM01BC)
- Supply Chain Management/Wayne State Multiple Business Degrees BS (APSCM11B3)
- Supply Chain Operations (CTSCO) - also available online
- Surgical Technology (APST)
- Technical Communication (CTTC) - also available online
- Technical Communication (AATCD) - also available online
- Technical Communication/EMU Technology Management BS (AATCD01O9)
- Transport Tech-Auto Service/WSU Elect, Electromech or Mech Engineer Tech BS (APOETT11A1)
- Transportation Technologies/EMU Technology Management BS (APOETT01O8)
- Addiction Studies (CPAS) - discontinued
- Advanced Machine Tool Programming (CVMTPA) - phased out
- Applied Data Science (CTADS) - phased out
- Broadcast Media Non-Occu/EMU Communication or Comm, Media & Theatre Arts BA (AABCM01Z1) - discontinued
- Business Administration-Transfer/Ferris Business Admin. Professional Trk BS (AABATR09B2) - phased out
- Cabinetmaking/Millwork Technology (CVCMT) - phased out
- Client-side Web Developer (CTWBCD) - phased out
- Computer Networking Academy I (CVCNA1) - phased out
- Computer Networking Operating Systems I (CVCNO) - phased out
- Construction Technology (ASCT) - phased out
- Construction Technology/EMU Technology Management BS (ASCT01S2) - phased out
- Construction Technology I (CTCON1) - phased out
- Construction Technology II (CVCON2) - phased out
- Digital Strategist (CTWDGS) - phased out
- Digital Video Advanced Production (CVDVAP) - phased out
- Elementary Education (AAELEM) - phased out
- Engineering Technologist-Manufacturing (APETEC) - phased out
- Film Studies (AAFS) - phased out
- Fine Arts (AAFAA) - phased out
- Fluid Power (CTFPOW) - phased out
- Foundations of Information Systems (CTFIS) - phased out
- Human Resource Management (CTHRMG) - discontinued
- Industrial Electronics Technology II (CVIET2) - phased out
- Interface Designer (CTWBID) - phased out
- Introduction to Manufacturing Processes (CCMETI) - phased out
- Linux/UNIX Systems (CTLUX) - phased out
- Machine Tool Programming (CNC) (CTMTP) - phased out
- Machine Tool Setup and Operation (CTMTSO) - phased out
- Mechatronics (APMETR) - phased out
- Mechatronics-Fluid Power/WSU Elect, Electromech or Mech Engineer Tech BS (APMETR11M1) - phased out
- Mechatronics-Industrial Electron/WSU Elect, Electromech or Mech Eng Tech BS (APMETR11M2) - phased out
- Mechatronics-Numerical Cntrl/WSU Elect, Electromech, Mech Engineer Tech BS (APMETR11M3) - phased out
- Mechatronics/EMU Technology Management BS (APMETR01M1) - phased out
- Motorcycle Service Technology I (CTMST1) - phased out
- Motorcycle Service Technology II (CVMST2) - phased out
- Photographic Imaging (CTPHOI) - phased out
- Principles of Cybersecurity (CTCYS) - phased out
- Server-side Web Developer (CTWBSD) - phased out
- Transportation Technologies (APOETT) – Motorcycle Service (MSVC) - phased out
- User Experience Designer (CTWUED) - phased out
- Web Database Programming Professional (CVWDPP) - phased out
- Web Design and Development (APWDDD) - phased out
- Web Design and Development/EMU Communication Technology BS (APWDDD01V1) -phased out