Electric Vehicle (EV) Safety & Fundamentals (CTEVSF)


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2024-2025 Academic Requirements

In this program, students will be introduced to the rapidly growing electric vehicle (EV) market. Students will learn the safety standards, precautions, and best practices needed when working around EV's. Topics of study will include basic electrical system identification and testing along with ever evolving new technologies incorporated in alternativeenergy vehicles such as EV's. This mini-certificate will prepare students for EV specific ASE testing required for the industry.

This is a high demand, high skill and high wage program, as defined by the Michigan Community College Network.

Adv Tech/Public Serv Careers
Transportation Technologies
Niki Lee
Janine Miltello
Justin Morningstar
Shawn Deron
Major/Area Requirements
Class Title Minimum Credits
ASV 131   Automotive Electrical 4
ATT 180   Alternative Vehicle Fundamentals & Safety 2
ATT 280   Introduction to Electric Vehicles (EV) 4
Total 10

Total Credits Required