Pharmacy Technology (CTPHAR)


This program is being discontinued. Students currently enrolled need to complete it by the end of the Spring/Summer 2022 semester.

If you have questions about this program please contact a program advisor or contact a general student advisor.

Academic Requirements

This certificate program prepares students for pharmacy technician entry-level positions in hospitals, community pharmacies, and various pharmacy practices, where they work under the supervision of a registered pharmacist. Students learn to blend a high attention to detail with patient care. This is a full-time program with many courses available in an online or blended format. Courses are required to be completed in sequence.

For detailed information regarding admission to this health care program, please visit our Health Programs department page at
Eastern Michigan University, several BS degrees.

Copies can be obtained from the Counseling Office, a program advisor, or from the Curriculum and Assessment Office Web site: Articulation Agreements.

Washtenaw Community College uses a competitive admission process for high demand programs in health care. Each year, approximately 24 students are accepted to the program for a Fall semester start. This is a full-time program. There are multiple requirements that must be completed prior to submitting an application for admission. For detailed information regarding admission to this health care program, please visit our Health Care website at .

Prerequisite and program requirements along with WCC's point system and scales are reviewed annually and subject to change. Students are expected to meet the prerequisite and program requirements of the catalog term for the semester in which they first begin the program. Details regarding WCC's Admission to High Demand Programs policy including priority levels are on WCC's Board of Trustees policy page: Details regarding WCC's point scales that are used to calculate points are on WCC's Student Connection, Health and Second Tier Program information page .

Requirements for application are:
1. Admission to WCC.
2. Program prerequisite courses:
a. MTH 160 or MTH 167 or MTH 169 or any Academic Math Level 4 or higher with a minimum grade of C+/2.3.
b. BIO 101 or higher level college Biology course (including lab) with a minimum grade of C+/2.3.
c. ENG 111 with a minimum grade of C+/2.3.
3. Minimum cumulative college GPA of 2.3.
4. Verification of high school diploma or GED.
5. Signed Abilities Statement. WCC reserves the right to request, before and during the program, that students successfully demonstrate specific physical and cognitive abilities related to the program.
6. Residency verification.

A formal application and acceptance to the program is required. Application packets may be downloaded from WCC's Student Connection, Health and Second Tier Program information page. Completed and signed applications must be submitted during the dates indicated on the application to the Health and Second Tier Admissions Office in the Student Connection, located on the second floor of the Student Center Building.

Requirement After Acceptance
Upon notification of acceptance to the program, students must purchase an account from a college-designated vendor to obtain a criminal background check, drug testing, and track their health records. The criminal background check must be submitted to the designated vendor before attending the program mandatory orientation session. These requirements must be completed by November 1.

1. Additional criminal background checks may be conducted at any time during the program. Students may be required to have drug testing as well as additional criminal background checks and/or fingerprinting prior to the start of a clinical sequence as requested by specific clinical facilities. Failure to receive an acceptable drug test and/or criminal background/fingerprinting check at any time, will result in dismissal from the program.
-Students who have a felony conviction record are not allowed to continue in the program or sit for the National Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam administered by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board.
2. The requirements below must be submitted by November 1. Detailed information including any required forms will be provided to the student at the mandatory orientation.
-Submit a completed Report of Medical History form (physical examination by licensed physician)
-Submit proof of a negative TB skin test
-Submit proof of a current vaccination record (you may be asked to update vaccines)
-Submit proof of a current Flu vaccine
-Submit proof of current health insurance (health insurance must remain active throughout the entire program)
-Submit proof of negative drug screen
-Background check
3. Students must complete any other health requirements as designated by the clinical sites.
4. WTMC students must possess a valid high school diploma or GED by the end of the program.
5. Students must be at least 18 years of age to graduate from this program.
6. Demonstration of proficiency in the English language prior to placement in PHT 198. See the Abilities Statement in the admissions packet for further details.
7. All Pharmacy Technology (PHT) and support courses to the program must be completed with a minimum grade of C/2.0.
8. Students who are dismissed from the program may not be eligible to reapply to the program.

Health Sciences
Allied Health Department
Karolyn Lehn
Susan Travis
(Items marked with an icon online icon are available online.)
Major/Area Requirements
Class   Title Minimum Credits
BIO 101 or Concepts of Biology  
    Any BIO 101 or Higher Level College Biology (including Lab) Course 4
ENG 111   Composition I 4
MTH 160 or Basic Statistics  
MTH 167 or Math Applications for Health Science  
MTH 169 or Intermediate Algebra  
    Any Math Level 4 or Higher Course 3
Total 11
Semester 1 (Fall)
Class   Title Minimum Credits
HSC 101 or Healthcare Terminology  
HSC 124   Medical Terminology 1
PHT 100   Introduction to Pharmacy and Health Care Systems 4
PHT 103   Pharmaceutical Calculations 2
PHT 145   Prescription Processing and Compounding 2
Total 9
Semester 2 (Winter)
Class   Title Minimum Credits
PHT 101   Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians 4
PHT 198   Pharmacy Experience 4
Total 8
Total Credits Required

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