Child Care and Education (CVCCE)

Advanced Certificate

This program is being discontinued. Students currently enrolled need to complete it by the end of the Spring/Summer 2022 semester.

If you have questions about this program please contact a program advisor or contact a general student advisor.

Academic Requirements

This certificate provides advanced training for child care professionals, and for paraprofessionals in school settings. It is the second level of a three-tier training program for adults who work with children under age 12. It is intended for students who are employed in a program that serves children under age 12 in a group setting.

 Students must have one of the following to enter this program: completion of a two-year vocational child care certificate; a CDA certificate; 12 credits in child care or elementary education; or concurrent enrollment in the Child Development Certificate program (CTCDA). Completion of the CTCDA is required before completing the Child Care and Education Advanced Certificate.

Students in the program are assumed to be employed in a program that serves children under age 12 in a group setting.

Adv Tech/Public Serv Careers
Public Services Careers Dept
Julie N. (Niki) Lee
Beth A. Marshall
 (Items marked with an icon online icon are available online.)
Major/Area Requirements
Class   Title Minimum Credits
CCP 101   Child Development 3
CCP 113   Health, Safety and Nutrition for Child Care 3
CCP 160   Foundations of Child Care and Early Education 3
CCP 209   Curriculum for Young Children 3
CCP 210   Child Guidance and Classroom Management 3
CIS 100   Introduction to Computer Productivity Apps 3
COM 101   Fundamentals of Speaking 3
ENG 111   Composition I 4
Total 25
Total Credits Required